Posts Tagged ‘tryad’


Almost Party Time

August 2, 2008

Well, it is almost time for my 30th birthday party!  The food is almost all cooked.  The pomegranate martinis and cosmopolitans are made, except I switched the juices, so we really have cranberry martinis and pomegranate cosmopolitans…  Sorry about that!  Hopefully they still taste good.

I found a cable to connect the laptop to our tuner, so the music for the party will be provided by Ubuntu and Rhythmbox.  I included some Try^d in the mix, so the party is even more free.

There should be some fun stories later.


My Favorite Music Site

February 25, 2008

Looking for free and legal music?  Check out Jamendo.  It features music put out by artists granting the people that download it the right to copy it and distribute it legally.  There aren’t any big name artists on the site, but there are some good ones.  My favorite group is Tryad.  Their music is easy to listen to samples and electronica featuring a lot of piano and some nice vocals.